Sunday, 21 September 2014

Cologne Carnival

The Cologne Carnival (German: Kölner Karneval) is a carnival that takes place every year in Cologne, Germany.
Traditionally, the "fifth season" (carnival season) is declared open at 11 minutes past 11 on the 11th of the 11th month November. The Carnival spirit is then temporarily suspended during the Advent and Christmas period, and picks up again in earnest after the 6 January (Biblical Magi) in the New Year. The time of merrymaking in the streets is officially declared open at downtown square Alter Markt on the Thursday before the beginning of Lent. Street carnival, a week-long street festival, also called "the crazy days", takes place between the Fat Thursday (Weiberfastnacht) and ends on Ash Wednesday (Aschermittwoch). The highlight of the carnival is Rose Monday (Rosenmontag), two days before Ash Wednesday. All through these days, Cologne folks go out masqueraded. The typical greeting during the festival is Kölle Alaaf!, a Kölsch phrase which can be translated as "Cologne above all!"
The official carnival with its parades and stage shows (Sitzungen) is run by the Festkomitee Kölner Karneval (Cologne Carnival Celebration Committee), which was founded in 1823. Alongside there are many autonomous carnival events throughout the city's bars, clubs and local communities, including "Stunksitzung", a leftist comedy show caricaturing official carnival Sitzungen in style and poking fun at both traditional, conservative carnival as well as politics.
As there have been continuously more than one million spectators on the streets for the Rose Monday parade every year Cologne carnival is one of the largest street festivals in Europe.

Cologne Carnival

Cologne Carnival

Cologne Carnival

Cologne Carnival

Cologne Carnival

Cologne Carnival

Карнавалът в Кьолн, Cologne Carnival

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